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Cooking Live with Lyric- Simple “Fancy” Shrimp Bruschetta


First things first, this is NOT your traditional bruschetta recipe. I absolutely love Italian food and there is nothing like the simplicity of traditional bruschetta.

One day while cooking a more traditional bruschetta for my friend, he gave me the great idea that I should add shrimp for an added layer of flavor and depth. So of course, I tried it and it was I found myself making it as a main course. I debuted it to a broader audience at my  We Can’t Make This Up Dinner Series launch  One of my best friends and my uncle are not fans of shrimp, however they both have second and third servings.. and it was only the appetizer.

This dish is a showstopper and looks like Christmas on a plate! It is super simple to make and will have your guests wondering what five star restaurant you catered in.

Check out the recipe card below and a photo of the finished product.

I promise this tastes as good as it looks!

Dominique Lyric Robinson

Dominique Lyric Robinson is Founder and Content Curator at Lyrics By Lyric. She is also a badass advertising exec with a proven track record to build brands, client relationships and looks to educate young and seasoned professionals on the power of personal branding and self- advocacy.

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